Hope, Health, and Happiness. Would you like to live your life with less stress and more happiness? Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, more resilient you. Stress is a powerful force in life. It can bring about illness, destroy relationships and cause chaos. There is not a one-size-fits-all coping strategy for dealing with stress. Our goal is to put a plan together that helps us to deal with the sources of stress, take care of ourselves during those stressful times, and allows us to reach out to those around us for support. The Work Smart Live Smart flash briefing focuses on helping you to Harness Your Energy, Build Your Resiliency and Protect Your Mental Health!
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
EP 399 - We Can All Make A Difference
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Though everyone may want something unique from the job, there are some things common that unite us.
One of them being that we want to know that we are making a difference.
A good leader knows how to recognize and value their team members, to let them know that they matter.
They make a point to notice, show respect and appreciation for a job well done. And they ensure that the team is not just receiving negative criticism.
Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Make A Difference Day:
You don't need to be a leader to make a point of recognizing someone for their contribution, their energy, or their hard work.
One of the greatest gifts that we can give to one another is the gift of encouragement.
Build others up and truly value the contributions they make.
You do not need to be best friends with every one at work, but communicating in a positive way can help to build a positive, productive, and enjoyable place to work.
Want to make sure that you don't miss any of my weekly postings, follow WorkSmartLiveSmart on FaceBook.
Friday Oct 25, 2019
EP 398 – Cranky Co-Worker
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Friday Oct 25, 2019
Do you have those days when you are more prickly than others or feel that you woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
Sometimes we have these types of days when everything seems to just go wrong. We couldn't find our keys. We had a battle with our teenager. We got stuck in traffic or we're getting a cold.
Today is the day to celebrate being cranky.
To celebrate the crankiness in us all.
So Here Are My Hot Tips For Being Cranky On Cranky Co-Worker Day:
Don't hold the door open for anyone.
Slam your office door.
Don't say goodbye when you hang up the phone.
Growl at anyone who seems perky.
Say it can't be done to any suggestion that is made.
Complain about the rain, snow, wind, sunshine, heat, blue sky, and wear really tight underwear, or at least the kind that seemed to want to climb up higher and higher.
And finally, if these just don't sound right, smile and ignore the crankiness in someone else and maybe offer them a simple act of kindness.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out! 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
EP 397 - Getting A Massage Can Improve Your Mental Health
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
There is nothing more relaxing than having a skilled massage therapist, work out the tension from an overly taunt neck and shoulder muscles.
But how is a massage an important component to mental health?
Massage can increase circulation by manually applying pressure and movement. It stimulates nerve receptors causing the blood vessels to dilate.
It increases oxygen capacity and loosens muscles.
All of this is great for promoting the body's relaxation response.
The other benefit is that it forces you to be still and to let your mind wander.
When the mind is allowed to relax, it is better able to focus when we need it after the message.
So Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating National Massage Therapy Awareness Week.
Find a qualified massage therapist.
Ask your friends who they would recommend.
Book the time. If you wait for the perfect time. you will never find it.
Our mental health is important, and massage can play an important role in helping us to relax.
So lay back and enjoy.
Looking for better ways to build your resiliency? Take my free online vulnerability test at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
EP 395 - Family Needs During A Critical Illness
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
According to the health index almost 45% of people don't put their health at the top of their priority list and for some it's not on the list at all.
Many of us will experience a critical illness at some point in her life. It's just a matter of rolling the dice. Medical advances mean that we have a better chance of surviving a critical illness.
However surviving a critical illness, such as breast cancer, can be one of the most difficult challenges in life and often brings overwhelming medical and financial burdens on the person and their family.
Knowing that one in nine women will develop breast cancer, Here Are Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency In Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
Know that supportive families have a beneficial impact on the patient's response to treatment, however if the family anxiety is high, they may be unable to support the patient and may transfer their anxiety.
So understand what family members need during this difficult time. The most important of these needs is assurance and hope they want to remain near their patient, and they want to receive information and support.
Anxiety is reduced when a sense of control is promoted.
For more information on coping with mental health, sign up for one of my online courses at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com, under the resources and courses tab.
Monday Oct 21, 2019
EP 394 - Health Literacy
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
This is health literacy month. So what do you know about medication safety?
I knew that my medicine cupboard had been neglected when I found a jar of Vicks Rub from when I was a kid. Yes, that was a long time ago and yes, it was about time that it was thrown out.
Medication safety isn't just about an expiry date.
It's about safe storage, knowing what medications may interact with other medications, food, and supplements.
And it's about telling your doctor but any side effects that you may have had from previous prescriptions.
So Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Health Literacy Month:
Check your prescriptions periodically for expiration dates.
If you're traveling through several time zones consult with your doctor or pharmacist to work out a plan for adjusting the timing of your medication. This will prevent you from taking too much or too little.
Remember the term natural does not necessarily mean safe. Treat all supplements and herbal remedies with the same respect as you would any prescribed medications.
Want to make sure you don't miss out on my weekly postings? Follow WorkSmartLiveSmart on Facebook.
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
EP 393 - Protect Yourself From The Flu
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Children have bent back to school now for a month and we're starting to see the rise of colds and other ailments, both in our children and in our workplaces.
Though these are not usually cases of influenza, it is a reminder that the true flu season is just around the corner, and that we need to protect our families and our co-workers.
Influenza is an infection of the nose throat and lungs caused by the influenza virus. For most people the flu is uncomfortable, tiring, and can keep you bedridden for many days.
But for some, the flu can be serious.
Each year the flu causes many unnecessary deaths. The most common way the flu is spread is through flu germs on people's hands. If you touch something with the flu germs on it, then touch your face or mouth, you could get infected.
Flu germs can also travel through the air. If a person with the flu sneezes, or coughs, their spray can carry the virus to your nose, mouth, and our eyes.
Today's Hot Tip For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Flu Prevention Month:
Wash your hands often and consider getting the flu shot.
For some the flu shot is the best defense.
For more information, check me out on twitter at SOS To Stress.
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
EP 392 - Evaluate Your Life
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Do you have balancing your life?
Have you ever had balanced?
What does balance mean to you?
Without taking the times to evaluate how things really are, it’s nearly impossible to make the changes you need to make in order to create the life you wish to lead.
Evaluate your life day is an opportunity to sit down and review.
It is a time to pause and reflect.
In my workshops, I help people look at what they're spending their time and energy on and then we discuss how they would like their life to be.
It's not easy and often messy.
So Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Evaluate Your Life Day:
First, it's easy to wish that things were different, but to be different, we must evaluate first.
This takes effort.
So sit down and make notes.
Understand your priorities, then make active decisions to make these things a priority.
This isn't about wishing. It's about doing.
Looking from more tips to build your resiliency?
Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out! 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In.
Friday Oct 18, 2019
EP 391 – Coping With The Change
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
‘The change’, ‘the time of life’ – call it what you will, it is an unavoidable fact that all women go through the menopause as they age into their 50’s, and 60’s.
However, for some women this natural process is a time of anxiety and distress.
Menopause is influenced by hormones – or more correctly, by a change in hormone levels. Less oestrogen is produced, causing the body to behave differently. However the body does not stop producing oestrogen overnight, and the process can take several years, during which negative symptoms can arise.
Hot flushes are the most common symptom of the menopause, occurring in three in every four menopausal women.
Other common symptoms include night sweats, sleeplessness, vaginal dryness, irritated skin*, more frequent urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections, low mood and a reduced interest in sex. Symptoms vary hugely in duration, severity and what impact they have on women.
Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating World Menopause Day;
Some women experience increased anxiety during the menopause. Regular exercise helps to convert stress into positive energy.
Talk to your doctor about health screening tests such as bone density, heart health, and depression to minimize the impact of menopause.
Some women breeze through a problem-free menopause, but most experience some symptoms ranging from mild to severe. If you feel that you are struggling, consult your doctor for advice. Whatever the symptoms, help is available in a range of ways.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com.
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
EP 390 – Information Overload
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Preventing illness slowing down the aging process and living life to the fullest these are a few of the reasons many are reaching out towards a healthier lifestyle.
Another reason is dealing with the constant change that saps our energy.
According to one report 14 percent of workers identified new technology in the workplace as a significant source of stress.
Never before have individuals been asked to adapt as rapidly.
One of the simplest and most effective strategies is deep breathing. Deep breathing can interrupt the stress response and promote relaxation. I it can convert fatigue into energy and restlessness into calmness.
My Hot Tips For Building Your Resiliency On Information Overload Day:
Learn how to incorporate the complete breath. You can read more about this technique on my blog at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com.
You can use it when you need to get refocused during a difficult situation or project.
This incredibly simple technique can have a very powerful impact. It can be done by anyone, anywhere, and in any circumstance.
So try it today. Once started it will soon become one of the best stress busters in your arsenal.
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
EP 389 - Building The Best Relationship With Your Boss
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Are bosses who are fair, supportive, and kind gone by the way of the dodo bird?
If we were to listen to the media, or the complaints from friends and family, you would think that this was true.
We hear about cut-throat bosses. Bosses who are bullies. The ones who steal all of the glory for themselves.
There are bosses who are perfectionists.
And then there are those bosses who only care about the bottom line.
In fact. in one survey, seventy five percent of workers said that dealing with their boss was the most stressful part of their day.
Bosses Day is the day for employees to recognize their boss for their positive traits.
Like it or not your boss plays an important role in your productivity, creativity, and overall health.
It is up to you to build the best relationship with your boss that you can.
Here Are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Bosses Day:
Examine how you describe your work, your boss, and your company.
If you find that you are using all negative language, stop. It's undermining you mental and physical health.
Focus on solutions not problems.
Have conversations that move things forward.
And finally, don't be moody and don't let your boss’ mood impact you. You have no idea what they are dealing with. So reserve your judgments. Be the one that is in control of their mood.
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace? Check out my top ten tips under resources and courses at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
EP 388 - Complain And Be Grouchy
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
All goody two-shoes, beware. You are not welcome on this day.
Today is a day for all grouches to celebrate their way of life.
According to the Muppet Wiki, a grouch’s mission in life is to be as miserable and as grouchy as possible and pass that feeling on everyone else.
Only then will a grouch be in touch with his or her world and be happy.
Yet even though grouch may show happiness at anyone's misfortune, a grouch would never admit to being happy.
So My Hot Tip For Celebrating National Grouch Day:
Be miserable. Complain over everything. And enjoy nothing.
Tomorrow will not be better.
There is no silver lining.
And the glass almost empty.
Looking for better ways to build your resiliency?
Take my free online vulnerability test at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Monday Oct 14, 2019
EP 387 - Know Risks And Benefits Of Sarcasm
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Well everyone lobs a snarky remark here and there.
A sarcastic person expresses humor in verbal irony by making statements that defy their literal meaning.
For some it's as natural as breathing.
Some say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, but the highest form of intelligence.
Whether sarcasm is a sign of intelligence or not, communication experts typically advise us to stay away from this particular form of expression.
And yet, there is some research that suggests that there may be some unexpected benefits from sarcasm, including greater creativity in the workplace.
Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Sarcasm Awareness Month:
Research shows that sarcasm can be easily misinterpreted, so use it sparingly and take great care that it doesn't damage your relationships.
It comes down to trust. Given the risks and benefits of sarcasm, your best bet is to keep salty remarks limited to conversations with those you know well.
Looking for better ways to build your resiliency? Take my free online vulnerability test at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
EP 386 - How Bloody Annoying Are Your Pet Peeves
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Squeaky doors. Slow internet connections. No subject heading in an email message. Cracking knuckles. Toilet lid being left up. Being put on hold. Music while on hold. Repeated messages while on hold.
Some of our pet peeves can move from simple annoyances into being rude or aggressive.
Think of road rage. It usually starts because one person was not paying attention or assumed that they had the right to do what they did, and then the offended party gets annoyed, then angry, and they may even retaliate.
Here Are Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency During Pet Peeves Week:
Make a list of your pet peeves.
There is something cathartic and humorous about doing this.
Often awareness can help us to see the lighter side.
Learn how to move on and not waste your mental energy or let your blood pressure skyrocket.
And finally, understand that someone else's behavior that annoys you wasn't targeted specifically to you.
Don't personalize it and read more into it than there is.
Looking for ways to build your resiliency? Take my free online vulnerability test at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
EP 385 – Be Positive
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
It's the end of the day and you're exhausted frustrated and wondering if this is what your life has come to.
You hear yourself describing your day as if it were someone else using those words.
It takes a lot of energy to be positive, to keep things in perspective and to actively look for the good in someone.
Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Positive Attitude Month:
It is essential that you take care of yourself.
Maintain your balance. Be sure to have other pursuits that you can count on for pleasure and distraction Eat properly to control your mood swings and to feel more energetic.
Cut out caffeine which makes us more sensitive to those around us,
Get plenty of sleep. Probably more than what you're getting right now.
Lighten up. Have fun and remember to smile.
And if you think what I'm recommending will never work, well then it may be time for you to commit to some self-reflection.
Looking for better ways to build your resiliency? Take my free online vulnerability test at WorkSmartLiveSmart. com under the resources and courses tab.
Friday Oct 11, 2019
EP 384 Let’s Talk
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Friday Oct 11, 2019
Do you think the people have always been this stressed?
I'm often asked if we have more or less stress than we did a hundred or two hundred years ago. Our lives are stressful today, but they were way back then as well.
One of the things that helped people to cope was a sense of support. Back then we lived in smaller communities, had families around us, and we knew our neighbors.
Today we live in large communities, our families may live hours or continents away, and we have no idea who lives around us.
Our support circles have grown smaller and smaller.
Let's talk month embraces sharing your stories and asking for help as ways of gaining and giving support.
It is one of the three main strategies in positive stress management.
So Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Let's Talk Month:
Learn to share your thoughts and feelings, your successes, and your challenges.
Learn to listen to other’s thoughts and feelings, successes, and challenges.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency?
Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out! 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In.
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
EP 383 – Depression Screening For Better Mental Health
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Today is National Depression Screening Day.
There are many who are suffering in silence who are feeling that there is nowhere to turn. The guilt and the shame of not being able to effectively cope with day to day stressors leaves many feeling isolated helpless and hopeless.
Thankfully there is an anonymous online screening tool if you think that you or a family member may be experiencing depression.
Go online to mentalhealthscreening.org and follow the links.
Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency On National Depression Screening Day:
Don't let fear, shame, or guilt prevent you from getting the help that you deserve.
Talk to your doctor if you're concerned. Use the online screening tool to help explain what you're feeling.
Keep an open mind. Treatment for depression may take a long time and the best treatment options may take time to find and have full impact.
Get educated. Know about the signs and symptoms.
Don't forget that you can find more tips for coping with mental health issues by checking out my Live Smart Blog at WorkSmartLiveSmart.Com
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
EP 382 - Promoting Mental Health
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
EP 382 – Promoting Mental Health
We are working in a corporate world where our teams are faced with a variety of stressors and a world where many of our teams are finding that their coping strategies are inadequate or ineffective at addressing the numerous stressors that they are facing.
According to research, one in five will experience a diagnosable mental illness.
Mental illness can affect everybody. Stigma and guilt play a role in preventing people from seeking help.
Only one in every three with a mental health issue will seek help, leaving millions trying to cope all on their own.
Though some may be seeking medical help, fear of being criticized, or judged by those around them, may prevent them from reaching out to others for support.
Today's Hot Tip For Building Resiliency On World Mental Health Day:
Care. Communicate. Connect.
Educate yourself.
Educate others and examine policies and attitudes that prevent those experiencing a mental illness from getting the help that they need.
For more tips on how to promote mental illness awareness, check out my website at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
EP 381 – Facing Your Phobias
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
I have a social phobia.
It produces extreme reactions in me. I get tongue-tied. My voice shakes and my heart races whenever I have to perform in front of others.
I hate snakes. They give me the willies.
Many people have those things in their life that give them the heebie-jeebies. It may be snakes or it could be heights, needles, or even lightning.
Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating Face Your Fears Day:
Know that it's okay to avoid your phobia if you can and as long as it doesn't interfere with your everyday living and happiness.
Thankfully I can stay away from snakes in my line of work and in my life. If you can't outright avoid them, learn how to challenge some of the unhelpful thoughts that the fear generates.
Plan and practice your stress and relaxation strategies ahead of time, so that they're like second nature during your exposure.
And finally, ask for help. Others can support you during those stressful times and they may be able to find strategies to lessen the stress that you feel.
For more information on phobias and other mental health issues sign up for one of my online courses at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Monday Oct 07, 2019
EP 380 - Let Your Friends Know They Matter
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
True friends are precious, but often we take them for granted.
The saying goes that you can't have too many friends. I disagree. Trying to balance too many friendships, plus a lack of time, equals more stress.
Friendships can protect your health, so it's important to take the time and make the effort to hold on to the friendships that mean the most to us.
We need to let them know how much they matter to us.
So Here Are My Hot Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating You Matter To Me Day:
First take stock of friends that you currently have. Do you have too few? Just enough? Or too many to currently maintain?
Let your friends know how much they mean to you. Plan to get together. Pick up the phone. Invest some time and effort into those friendships that you want to hang on to.
Over the years, I've had many friendships that have endured the test of time. It takes a great deal of effort for us to get together, but when we do, the energy that I gain from those connections is invaluable.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called, Stress Out! 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
EP 379 – Working With Difficult People
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Our goal is to stop rewarding irritating behaviours and attitudes.
To do this, we must understand what employees expect to gain from being so difficult.
Celebrate Mediation Week.
Understanding why some co-workers may become difficult or negative, and when they are more likely to act that way, can prevent the buildup of tension.
So why are people difficult?
Some employees learn very early on, that the more noise they make, the more likely those around them will respond to their squeaky wheel.
For some, negative attitudes and behaviors are expressed when they just don't have the energy to use better communication skills, judgment, or manners.
The difficulty behind these attitudes and behaviors is that they are highly toxic, and they can ripple out to those around us.
So Here Are Today's Hot Tips For Building Resiliency In Celebrating Mediation Week:
Our goal is to stop rewarding those irritating behaviors. To do this we must understand what the person expects to gain from being so difficult.
Some want to feel more in control. Some want to feel important and listened to.
Be in the moment and treat each person as if they are all that matters. It is hard to be difficult with someone who makes us feel special.
And finally, move difficult people away from problem identification into problem solving. By understanding what employees expect to gain from using undesirable behaviors, we are in a much better position to deflect and defeat the difficult behavior.
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace?
Check out my top ten tips under resources and courses at WorkSmartLiveSmart.com.