Hope, Health, and Happiness. Would you like to live your life with less stress and more happiness? Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, more resilient you. Stress is a powerful force in life. It can bring about illness, destroy relationships and cause chaos. There is not a one-size-fits-all coping strategy for dealing with stress. Our goal is to put a plan together that helps us to deal with the sources of stress, take care of ourselves during those stressful times, and allows us to reach out to those around us for support. The Work Smart Live Smart flash briefing focuses on helping you to Harness Your Energy, Build Your Resiliency and Protect Your Mental Health!
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
EP 498 – Self-Care Is Like Oxygen
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Have you found that when your plate is overloaded with work and family responsibilities, or when you are in a professional, financial, or relationship crisis, your self-care tends to fly out the window?
For some of us, self-care is a luxury that we feel that can not afford to indulge in. There is a quote that I like that says, “How thin can I spread myself before I no longer exist’”
Self-renewal is about transforming yourself. It can give you a fresh take on life. You feel better and more able, more competent and more effective. Self-care is like oxygen. It is essential in order to live a balanced and fulfilled life. If grit is what keeps you going, and resilience is what picks you up, self- renewal is what helps you stay energized.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Self-Renewal Day:
Tip #1 Do A Body Scan. As soon as you wake, ask yourself, “Physically, emotionally, or spiritually, what do I really need to focus on today’” Self-renewing activities include looking after your well-being.
Tip #2 Find Your Tribe. “Build your support network,” When we gather together to “tend and befriend,” our body releases more of the stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin. This makes us feel more hopeful, grateful and resilient.
Looking for resources to build your resiliency? Check out my Live Smart blog at worksmartlivesmart.com
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
EP 497 – SOB Spunky Old Broads
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Have you met any S.O.B’s lately’ I mean the good kind. The feisty, spirited ones kindly referred to as, Spunky Old Broads.
These are the ladies who live life to the fullest, regardless of their circumstances. They have learned to push forward, find humour and share their spirit with those around them.
I’ve been fortunate to meet some very Spunky ladies – Liked my mom’s cousin Linda, who makes me laugh every time I see her, Virginia who ran her first marathon at the age of 50 and who shared her message of hope with those who were also dealing with severe depression and Shelle who travels the world for business and still takes the time to make me laugh and be my mentor.
SOB Month celebrates all women over 50, who believe it is never too late to live your dream, be who you want to be, and create and do whatever you want to do.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Spunky Old Broads Month:
I want to be a spunky old broad. I’m not there yet. For me, I take things way too seriously and I fret about the little things. But I believe that it is never too late to learn something new, try something different and strive for all that life has to offer. So I am going to remind myself to let go and laugh a little more and maybe one day I will be known as a SOB.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency’ Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In.
Friday Jan 31, 2020
EP 496 – Fun At Work
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
“Blessed is the person who can have fun while being productive.”
Really, isn’t that what it is all about. Enjoying what you do.
Some people have fun actually doing their jobs. They get a kick out of creating or solving. Some people create fun while they are doing their job by connecting with the people that they work with.
Our research shows that those who have fun at work are more engaged, more productive and are healthier. It is in a company’s best interest then to build more fun into the workplace.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Fun At Work Day:
Create a special theme for the day – decorate, dress up
Bring food to share – tie it to your theme
Share the jokes of the day – or list the best excuses for the day
Set up team challenges
Any job can be transformed. It is how you look at it and the fun that you build around it.
According to one philosopher, the supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
EP 495 – Supportive Conversations
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
"I never realized how prevalent Depression is in society...Very sad. We need to do more to combat this issue."
This was the feedback that I received after delivering a webinar to a group of leaders.
A person who is dealing with Depression spends an incredible amount of energy trying to keep their world together and hide that they are struggling.
When you address the issues and offer support and information, you show that you value them and that they don't have to be alone in dealing with this issue.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Reducing Stigma:
Depression is complicated and it is not an easy road for someone who is experiencing it. Time does not just 'fix' the person like it does for someone who has a broken arm. Time often sees the person's ability to cope degrade even further. Early detection and intervention help the person regain their life more quickly and with fewer negative impacts.
Approach your colleague in a caring and supportive way. This will carry into the conversation and your colleague will be more likely to trust and open up to you.
Identify what you have noticed, especially how it is impacting their ability to perform at work. Be specific.
Leaders are in a unique position of being able to lessen the anguish of mental illness through supportive workplace conversations. These conversations are difficult and emotional, but absolutely necessary, to ensure that our colleagues are not struggling on their own and that they do not fall through the cracks of an imperfect mental health system. Start the conversation with everyone in your workplace. Provide opportunities to educate and discuss the issues surrounding mental illness by offering workshops, lunch 'n' learns, pamphlets and other reading materials to your leaders and colleagues. It is only through these positive and supportive conversations that we can ensure that everyone gets the help and supports that they need to get back to being happy and successful.
You are not alone. There are resources available to help you to feel more competent in providing this support. Check out my on-line courses at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Bell Let's Talk Day Interview With Dan Pollard 105.5 Hits FM
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Stigma around mental health issues hurt. It causes isolation, lost productivity, and prevents people from reaching out for support.
Supportive Conversations are the key to ensuring that no one is left feeling hopeless, helpless, and with no one to turn to during their struggles.
Check out this interview today on the importance of supportive conversations.
#BellLetsTalkDay #mentalhealth #mentalillness #anxiety #depression #stigma #guilt #happyatwork #socialconnectedness
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
EP 494 – Let’s Talk
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Mental illness is a very common form of human pain and suffering. One of the biggest hurdles for anyone suffering from mental illness is overcoming the stigma attached to it. This stigma brings about isolation and prevents people from getting the help that they need.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Let’s Talk Day:
Language matters. Watch the words that you use that may colour the way we see mental health issues.
Simple kindness can make a world of a difference. Whether it be a smile, being a good listener or an invitation for a chat over coffee, these simple acts of kindness can let someone know you’re there for them.
Break the Silence. Two out of three people suffer in silence, fearing judgement and rejection. Being open to a conversation is the first step towards eliminating the stigma.
When it comes to mental illness, education is key. Having the right tools, knowing the right words to use and understanding how to correctly speak with someone experiencing a mental illness can make all the difference.
You are not alone. There are resources available to help you to feel more competent in providing this support. Check out my on-line courses at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
EP 493 – Crumudgeon
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
According to the Dictionary a curmudgeon can refer to a mood or someone’s whole personality.
Curmudgeons Day is a day to celebrate the cranky people in our lives or a day to allow the cranky person in us to have a day out in the sunshine. It is also a celebration of WC Field who prided himself on being a real crumdgeon.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Curmudgeon’s Day:
Take stock of what usually brings about your crumdgeonly side. Knowing this can help you to develop strategies to not bring that mood to your workplace.
Sometimes it is okay to allow yourself a day to be cranky. Doing so can help you to move past these feelings and start to see the world in a more positive light.
Don’t let the crankiness of someone else bring you down. Find ways to buffer yourself against their negativity. Try to show them kindness. Buy a cup of coffee for that co-worker who never seems to have a good day. Maybe, an act of kindness can change that person’s whole world.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Monday Jan 27, 2020
EP 492 – Bubble Wrap Day
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Bubble Wrap has always been great for cushioning fragile items during shipping.
I don’t know what it is about bubble wrap, but like a lot of people, when I’m around it, I have to pop it.
We all know it's fun to pop, and it makes a great stress reliever. However, did you know that bubble wrap started off as wallpaper and then green-house wall insulation’ Thankfully, these uses didn’t take off and in the end, IBM began using Bubble Wrap to protect delicate electronics from damage during transit.
It wasn’t long after that people began to see the fun in popping their bubble wrap.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day:
For some carrying a smooth-surfaced stone serves to produce a calming effect. Keeping your hands busy with little projects like needlework can also be relaxing. Popping a sheet of Bubble Wrap might work in the same way.
A survey by Sealed Air Corporation, found that one minute spent popping Bubble Wrap relieves as much stress as a 33-minute massage.
We love the instant gratification. So the next time you are stressed out, anxious, or frustrated, reach for your bubble wrap and start popping.
Looking for resources to build your resiliency? Check out my Live Smart blog at worksmartlivesmart.com
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
EP 491 – Connecting With Your Spouse
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Have you ever been in a good mood, and then one conversation with your spouse can turn your mood around?
Research shows that moods and emotions are highly contagious.
We can literally catch each others’ emotions like viruses, a phenomenon known as emotional contagion.
I love my spouse and hopefully, if you have one, you can say that too.
However, the mood I bring to the home and that he brings home affects our conversations and connections with each other.
Research has found that wives were not affected significantly by their spouse’s stress. Husbands, however, experienced lower marital satisfaction when their wives reported higher stress.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Spouse’s Day:
Self-awareness is the first step toward bringing moods under control so that they don’t continually impact your relationships.
Make an effort to enter into a conversation in an upbeat frame of mind. Change your routines if you are irritated by the rush-hour traffic.
Watch your body language. Research has shown that when people are trying to “read” someone’s mood they rely heavily on that person’s body language for cues. So make sure your posture, gestures, and facial expressions send the right signals.
Be proactive about managing your moods. Learn a few stress-management techniques that may help you avoid negative moods altogether. Mood lifters may also include talking to a funny friend, listening to music, or going for a walk.
Take care of your health. Bad moods can have physical causes, including hunger, fatigue, and pain. Build your resiliency to buffer yourself against these.
Remember that emotions are contagious and your relationships are precious.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
EP 490 – Opposites
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Did you ever play ‘Opposites’ in school? Any time you were asked a question you had to give the opposite answer. You wore your clothes the opposite way around, and you ate your lunch in the opposite order.
Opposite day is a day to have fun and be silly. Especially as you kick it back up into high gear after summer vacations. Some celebrate Opposite Day a month after Christmas, other’s today…the idea is just to add some fun to your life.
Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Opposite Day:
Adults can get in on this silly holiday.
Try having dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner.
Eat, write and use your mouse with your non-dominate hand.
If you are the super achiever, ask for help.
If you are a procrastinator, try getting the tough stuff done first.
Flip that button-down shirt around and wear opposite coloured socks and shoes.
Just be sure to let your family, friends and colleagues know that you are celebrating Opposite Day. Otherwise, it could get very confusing for everyone around you.
Have a great day. Sorry, I mean hello, how are you?
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Friday Jan 24, 2020
EP 489 – Belly Laugh For Health
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Author CW Metcalfe, writes that Humour can help you thrive in change, remain creative under pressure, work more effectively, play more enthusiastically, and stay healthier in the process.
It has been shown that a big old belly laugh, reduces physical and emotional tension for as long as 45 minutes. The heartier, the more relaxing it is and the longer the positive effect.
A good belly laugh can stimulate your internal organs, increase your circulation, raise the level of oxygen in the blood and boost the immune system. A group of researchers found that laughing boisterously 100 times a day will give you the same impact as 10 minutes of rowing or 15 minutes on an exercise bike.
Studies show that those who are able to laugh at work are more productive and less distracted than their humourless counterparts.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Belly Laugh Day:
Find funny friends and co-workers who can make you laugh.
Develop a Humour First-Aid Kit and fill it with your favourite jokes, clippings, and stories
Watch funny TV programs, movies and videos
Being able to laugh about our situation and ourselves helps us to release the tension, regain our perspective, accept that which we cannot change and experience joy. Not only that, but, it also gives us the physical energy and mental resilience needed to survive.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
EP 488 – Sugary Sweet
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Could you go with out eating refined sugar for even one day?
Eating well and maintaining energy throughout the day can be a difficult feat in today’s busy workplaces. When we are time pressured, we tend to make poor nutritional choices. Often, we skip lunch and grab for a soft drink, cup of caffeine or an energy drink to keep us going.
These poor food choices can promote obesity, illness and negatively impact productivity.
Companies are looking for simple ways to promote health and support healthier nutrition.
Some are adding vending machines that have more healthy choices and others have taken a harsher stance and eliminated the “pop and chip” machines altogether.
Some company cafeterias have added a premium fee to “fast food” items or subsidized healthy meals and snacks.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Sugar Awareness Week:
Examining the nutritional needs and habits of your employees, makes good business sense. When designing your workplace wellness program, look for ways to educate, support behaviour changes and promote a healthier environment.
The results may not just be reduced waist sizes and decreased benefits usage, but more engaged and productive employees.
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace? Check out my top 10 tips under Resources and Courses at worksmartlivesmart.com
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
EP 487 – Sticks and Stones
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Words Hurt. Name Calling is a form of Emotional Abuse.
Many of us have worked for or with someone who was emotionally abusive. According to research from Employment Law Alliance, 45% of us reported being abused in the office.
People who are the target of emotional abuse are made to feel insignificant and incapable.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Bringing Awareness To No Name Calling Week:
There is a thin line between joking around and causing harm to each other in the office. Nicknames are bound to pop up in the office. But once the name calling is unwanted and based on gender, sexuality, or ability, it's no longer a friendly exchange.
If we are bullied, we might think it's because we are not a good worker, or perhaps not a good person. In other words, we start to believe what the bully is saying about us. We start to blame ourselves.
Don't give in to the lie.
Document your experience. If you don't keep track of what is happening, then, in the eyes of the law, it didn't happen.
One of the bully's tactics will be to isolate you from fellow workers. Keep your relationships with co-workers as strong as you can.
Let them know what is going on and let them know that you need support during this time.
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace? Check out my top 10 tips under Resources and Courses at worksmartlivesmart.com
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
EP 486 – Hows Your Memory
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
I use to be able to remember my friends birthdays, their phone numbers and the good times that we had together. Now, I find myself forgetting even my family’s birth dates, their phone numbers and who I met yesterday.
I blame it on aging, but in reality, it is not really so much about aging, as it is about being so busy that I don’t take the time to file the information away.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency Celebrating Good Memory Day:
A good memory is nurtured by a healthy, common sense lifestyle. This requires a healthy body, mind and spirit.
Participate in activities that stimulate your brain, such as reading, crossword puzzles, playing cards, and other mental exercises.
Be social. Maintaining a network of friends will increase your overall level of brain stimulation.
Exercise daily. Physical activity significantly lessens the chance of cardiovascular complications that could cause dementia.
Manage stress through techniques such as relaxation, meditation and yoga.
Finally, Find a healthy work-life balance. Learn to slow down and be in the moment.
One of our biggest fears as we age is losing our memory. By taking care of ourselves and by learning to slow the chaos down, we allow our brains to access our memories more effectively and efficiently.
By The Way…Good Memory Day was two days ago!
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Monday Jan 20, 2020
EP 485– Are You Feeling Blue
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
It is Blue Monday….the most depressing day of the year.
The date was calculated by using many factors, including: weather conditions, debt level, time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and feeling of a need to take action.
This isn’t a scientifically true formula, but it does point out several things that we already know. Our stress levels are impacted by many things such as negative weather conditions, lack of finances, unrealistic expectations and unmet goals. If all of these things come to a head at the same time, it certainly can make for a stressful or depressing time in our life.
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Blue Monday:
Get outside. Go for a walk. Even if it is a snowy, winter’s day, the benefits of getting a light break, beat staying indoors and moping around.
Turn today into a celebration. Plan special activities at work or going out with friends.
Start planning a vacation. Even just looking at beautiful vacation pictures has a positive impact on our mood.
Know though, that sometimes, it is okay to indulge in the blues. Wrap up in a cozy blanket, turn on that sappy movie, and let all of your emotions flow out.
If you think that you have moved beyond the blues, talk to your doctor. Seasonal Affective Disorders and Depression are serious and can spiral out of control quickly. The sooner you do, the better.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
EP 484– The Hunt For Happiness
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Happiness, for some can seem like an elusive dream and for others it is a constant reality. The difference is a mindset that looks for the best in a given situation.
If we spend our time waiting for life to be perfect…the children are polite and well behaved…there is enough money in our savings account and retirement fund…the renovations are finished…we have the right job…we have the best partner… we may be waiting for a very long time and we may be disappointed that happiness doesn’t seem to come our way.
True happiness is not putting a smile on our face and saying that everything is great, but it is problem solving the difficult situations and looking for the things in our life that are going well. In the workshops that I deliver, we talk about looking for the awesome. What are the cools things that are around us everyday that often we miss because we spend too much of our time looking for the things that are not quite right’
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Hunt For Happiness Week:
Look for the awesome
Be thankful for the things that are true blessings in your life
And understand that you have the final say in your own happiness
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
EP 483 – Life Balance
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
It is a gorgeous July morning. I have finished watering my newly planted grass seed and now it is time to focus on my business. I am finally feeling like my life is in balance.
This was a reflection on life that I had several years ago. It didn’t mean that my life wasn’t chaotic, but I was feeling satisfied with the time and energy that I was spending on the various aspects of my life.
Sometimes my ‘balance’ lasts for a long time, other times, that balance is fleeting. Balance to me, does not mean equal. Balance means satisfaction.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Life Balance Month:
My First Strategy is the belief that I have a purpose in this world and that this world has a purpose.
Second, is being comfortable with who I am. I am not superhuman. I try my best to take care of myself. My family and my business need me to function.
Third, I enjoy the little things and look for the awesome. In my reflection above, my day started outside, watering and weeding. For me, this is nature at its most glorious and it helps to ground and center me.
Each day I experience different challenges, but these beliefs keep me satisfied with where I am going. How do you create more satisfaction and balance in your life?
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency, take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Friday Jan 17, 2020
EP 482 – It’s Time To Get Organized
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
How we organize our self can either help or hinder us in the way that we deal with stress. Clutter can add more chaos. But, being too worried that everything is in its place can stop us from being productive and creative as well. Your personal organization should help you to move forward, give you a sense of control over your space and help to decrease the stress that you feel.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Get Organized Month:
Try cleaning off your desk and see if you notice stress relief from being more organized and neater.
Purge periodically – it takes time but gives you more space and you may find that it can trigger your creative juices.
Use baskets to gather project materials together, unread magazines/journals/computer accessories etc
Ensure that you have enough desk area to work comfortably
Don’t touch junk mail more than once – do something with it or throw it in the recycle box
Remember, If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Don’t forget that you can find more tips for coping with mental health issues, by checking out my Live Smart blog at worksmartlivesmart.com.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
EP 481 - Find a mentor. Be a mentor.
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
A successful mentor is someone who sees how remarkable you can be and constantly holds that image for you.
We all need someone to hold that mirror for us – And we need to be able to hold that mirror for someone else.
Who can you reach out to for that boost and who around you could use that lift?
So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Mentoring Month:
Mentoring is a learning relationship where someone more experienced puts time and energy into a less experienced person’s development. Successful mentors know that they need to focus on nurturing the person, not just performance. Since mentees may be reluctant to expose their shortcomings to a superior, the mentor needs to demonstrate it’s safe to do so.
The strongest relationships are based on mutual respect and as a mentor, you don’t just want to be a solution provider. Discern when it is appropriate to offer a direct answer versus when it’s better to coach a mentee through their question or problem.
As a mentee, clarify your goals: explain to your mentor what you want from your career, and from mentoring.
Strong mentoring programs not only provide support for new hires but also help create an open, inviting culture that emboldens all workers to contribute their ideas for improving the company.
Don’t forget that you can find more tips for coping with mental health issues, by checking out my Live Smart blog at worksmartlivesmart.com
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
EP 480 – Weedless Wednesday
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Wednesday Jan 15, 2020
Smoking is no longer glamourous. Most people understand the link to major health issues.
Though smoking has lost its ‘public’ appeal, it is still a major issue and addiction within our families and workplaces. Smoking cessation is the focus of many workplace wellness programs because nicotine addiction has a negative impact on absenteeism, productivity and benefits usage.
Wouldn’t it be great, if we could prevent the up and coming generations from having to face the ‘futility’ of quitting, of being a ‘slave’ to their addiction, or experiencing the devastating impact of their ‘habit’.
Some people wrongly believe that if we continue to raise the price, add more tax or put more disgusting pictures on the packages, that people will stop smoking and choose to live a healthier life.
However, being addicted to something, means that logic is skewed, and the addiction can always be justified or at least continued to exist
So, I go back to my original statement…we have come a long way…but the key to our success is to continue to convince the younger generation that it isn’t worth it.
Today is Weedless Wednesday. Hopefully future generations will not understand the need for this kind of promotion.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line vulnerability test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.