Hope, Health, and Happiness. Would you like to live your life with less stress and more happiness? Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, more resilient you. Stress is a powerful force in life. It can bring about illness, destroy relationships and cause chaos. There is not a one-size-fits-all coping strategy for dealing with stress. Our goal is to put a plan together that helps us to deal with the sources of stress, take care of ourselves during those stressful times, and allows us to reach out to those around us for support. The Work Smart Live Smart flash briefing focuses on helping you to Harness Your Energy, Build Your Resiliency and Protect Your Mental Health!
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
EP 1053 – Lazy, Hazy Days
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
I like these lyrics for Lazy Day by Spanky and the Gang:
Blue sky, Sunshine, what a day to take a walk in the park.
Ice cream, Day dream, till the sky becomes a blanket of stars.
What a day for pickin' daisies, and lots of red balloons.
And what a day for holdin' hands and bein' with you.
So is it good to have a lazy day?
Though being active is healthy for us and procrastination can cause a lot of problems if it goes unchecked, taking a lazy day can actually be good for our mental health.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Lazy Day:
Taking it easy and indulging in a lazy day, can help to restore your energy and refocus your mind.
But first, you have to let go of feeling guilty, like you are being bad by not doing something productive.
Part of being successful is knowing how to add more joy to your life. Part of this is by learning to slow down and jump off the rollercoaster for a while.
Try sleeping in and repairing some of the ill-effects of sleep-debt
Go for a walk and plan nothing. Just be present and in the moment
Sit outside enjoying nature and read a good book. There is nothing like going camping and reading something that is not designed to improve my business or better my life. It is just a story to get caught up in.
A like the song says, it is a great day for just holding hands.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Monday Aug 09, 2021
EP 1052 – Holding Hands Reduces Stress
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
When it comes to holding hands it’s not all about romance.
When you hold the hands of another you are sending the message that the other person is valued, important and noticed.
James Coan of the University of Virginia found that when people hold hands, their brains don’t work as hard to cope with stress.
To hold someone’s hand is to offer them affection, protection or comfort.
A poll showed that more than half of people couldn’t remember the last time they held their grandparents hand and more than a quarter had never done so. However, almost a fifth of respondents, when asked whose hands they would most like to hold, said it would be the hand of a grandparent who has died.
Loneliness and depression are rampant in today’s society. Holding someone’s hand, especially of someone who is isolated, dealing with an illness or elderly can help them to be more resilient against the impact of stress, promote better health and combat their feelings of isolation.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Hand Holding Day:
Reach out and touch the hand of someone you love or someone in need. Not only do they reap the benefit but so do you.
Don’t wait until it’s too late and end up regretting that you didn’t grab at the opportunity.
Robert Fulgham (Everything I Learned, I Learned In Kindergarten) said:
. . . Share everything. . .When you go out in the world, Watch out for traffic, hold hands, And stick together. . . .
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
EP 1051 - Choose Happiness
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Happiness does not just happen. It has to be worked at. It is far easier to focus on the difficult, the stressful, the negative and the disappointing.
It takes effort to really notice and be thankful for the big and small things that make us happy.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Happiness Happens Day:
Happiness Happens Day aims to spread the joy of being happy and to persuade people to look on the brighter side of life.
So, raise your glass of pink lemonade to Happiness Happens Day. Why pink lemonade? Happy people naturally turn lemons into lemonade. Also pink is pretty.
Plan something fun to look forward to after work.
Get outside. Sunlight can boost our mood as it impacts our neurotransmitters and hormones.
Use different scents to boost your mood.
Phone your mum. A US study found that hearing a mother’s voice is as good as a hug for stress release.
Get away. According to one study, vacations lead to increased happiness (93%), less stress (86%), being recharged (89%), more energy (81%) and improved health (78%).
And finally, researchers found that people who count their blessings sleep better, have a higher self-worth and are more satisfied and happy with their life. So, let happiness happen. Be open to it. Be aware of what makes you happy and when you are happy.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
EP 1050 – Celebrating Professional Speaker’s Day
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
I would never have imagined that one day that I, Beverly, would be a public speaker.
I hated giving presentations. When I was younger I struggled with stress and public speaking. My voice would quiver. I would speak a mile a minute. My nervousness was obvious.
Some people report that they would rather be naked in public than have to deliver a speech to their peers. I would have absolutely agreed with this statement. The stress was unbelievable and public speaking was best to be avoided whenever possible.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Professional Speaker’s Day:
Public Speaking Advice: You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be able to deliver your message effectively.
What I learned was that speaking effectively in public and professionally is rarely a natural talent, but it is one that can be learned. When you have a passion for your topic, and you immerse yourself in that topic to become an expert, the stress becomes secondary to the message that you want and need to deliver.
Remember that your audience really does want you to be successful and they are all that truly matters.
I am proud to be a professional speaker. In fact, I am a Certified Professional Speaker and a Certified Virtual Speaker. If only my high school English Teacher could see me now.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Want to find more strategies to coping with stress? Check out my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Friday Aug 06, 2021
EP 1049 – Bad Breath
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
We know as parents that it is up to us to teach our children how to take care of their oral health and we wouldn’t think twice to tell our child that they need to go and use some mouthwash if their breath smelled. But how do you handle it when it’s your friend, co-worker or boss? In a study by the Emily Post Institute, 75% of respondents polled said they’d want to be notified by a friend if they smelled.
Working with a colleague whose breath smells can be stressful, that’s why when doing a search on “bad breath and coworker” you can find over 1.8 million sites.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Fresh Breath Day:
Most workplace experts recommend that the upfront method works the best…tell the person that their breath smell today and offer them a piece of gum. You have given them a way out, by indicating that ‘today’ may mean that this is unusual or temporary and the gum lets them save face while they talk to you.
If bad breath is something that you deal with on occasion, minimize foods that can increase sulphur production and stimulate bacteria like alcohol, coffee, dairy and sugars
Stimulate saliva production which is nature’s breath freshener using sugar-free mints
Drink lots of water
Scrape the back of your tongue
If it is chronic, you need to talk to your dentist about solutions that may be right for you.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
EP 1048 - What Will Be Your Legacy?
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
My son’s archery coach was very sick and my son wrote him a letter letting him know how much my son liked him as a coach and mentor, about how his helpfulness and encouragement made my son feel and how much he was going to be missed. I was told that this letter touched the man very deeply. He had a huge impact on my son and he was leaving a wonderful legacy.
So–What words would your friends use to describe you? What words would your family use? Your business partners?
This month consider what legacy you are leaving to those around you.
Is your impact something that you can be proud of? Are your behaviours aligned with your values and beliefs? What do people think of when they think of you?
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating What Will Be Your Legacy Month:
Some of the legacies that I have been gratefully left…
Financial responsibility – I watch my parents work hard to make ends meet on the family farm. Money was to be used wisely and decisions weighed against needs and wants.
Strong work ethic – They taught me that to get what you want you have to work hard and be persistent.
Community – I watched both my grandparents and parents volunteer at the church and the local chamber. I saw how they pitched in when other’s in the community needed their help. I learned that we have a responsibility to those around us and we help out when we can.
Consider the legacy that you have been left.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Want to check out more health and wellness related celebrations, visit my wellness calendars under the resources and courses tab at worksmartlivesmart.com
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
EP 1047 - Breastfeeding and Stress
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
I thought getting pregnant was stressful. Feeding my baby was even more stressful. It was very clear after 2 weeks that my little boy was starving and as a new mom, I was horrified. Deemed a ‘failure to thrive’ baby. He was so hungry that he could barely keep awake. I wasn’t producing enough milk to nourish my own child.
At this point I thought I was a failure. My dad, who was a dairy farmer, said later that if I had been one of his milking cows, I would have been turned to steak. Humourous now…certainly not then.
I now look at this tall, athletic, muscular man and it is hard to believe the rough start we had together. He is healthy and that is the ultimate goal.
Breastfeeding is a healthy choice
But the pressure to nurse your child should never be so great that it makes a mother feel like a failure if they can’t make it happen.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Breastfeeding Awareness Week:
Nursing a baby is natural. Help moms to feel comfortable when it comes to feeding their child.
Don’t assume that a parent who is bottle-feeding is doing so by choice. Be supportive of all of the options that are available to parents.
If you are expecting a baby or if you have a newborn, rely on the people around you for support.
And finally, Supermom status is a lousy goal and impossible to reach. If we could all learn this early on it really would save us a tonne of stress.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
For more information on coping with mental health issues, sign up for one of my on-line courses at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
EP 1046 - Simplify Your Life
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Life can get very complicated and stressful what with all of the ‘hats’ we wear.
We sometimes let others control our activities and determine our priorities.
So how do we simplify it so that our life is more manageable and enjoyable and we are more resilient?
Realization and acceptance can be the first steps to gaining control. Accept that it’s impossible to do it all and it’s all right if you don’t, in fact, it’s much better if you don’t.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Simplify Your Life Week:
Avoid blaming others and situations – WE have the ultimate decision on how OUR time will be spent.
Develop and set your priorities and say ‘No’ to those things which are not your priority.
Planning and time management are essential skills.
Prepare for the transition from work to home by planning your work-related activities for the next day before you leave the office.
Do not over-program yourself or your family.
Make the morning routine as simple as possible, leaving yourself more than enough time for ‘emergencies’.
Our stress can be negatively impacted by the way in which we organize our daily activities and routines, and by the organization or lack there of in our physical environment. Simplifying routines and de-junking physical space can increase our efficiency, our effectiveness and can add to a sense of control which can help us create a calm and peaceful presence.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Monday Aug 02, 2021
EP 1045 - Canadian Heritage Day
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
On one particular visit home, I learned that my grandma didn’t learn English until she went to public school. Up till then, she spoke German. I had no idea that my maternal grandma came from a German background. I had just assumed that she was English, like my grandpa.
Understanding our heritage is important.
I grew up in a farming family. This meant that the ‘farm’ came first and that everyone in that family was responsible to make the farm successful. Families helped each other, as more often than not, we were related to our neighbours in some way, and that conflict was put aside to get things done. Happy or not.
I see a lot of conflict that happens on family farms when someone new comes into the farm family that doesn’t share those same values to the extent that the rest of the family does.
These values are neither right or wrong, but unless the differences and expectations are talked about, openly and respectfully, the conflict festers and grows.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Heritage Day:
Whether you like it or not, heritage is what makes you who you are. Things like values, culture, food, and traditions are all past down. Your heritage is the foundation on which you stand. It is the very thing that has gotten you to where you are now.
Honor your past by the way you carry yourself in the present.
Share your heritage with your children to create a solid foundation for them.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency’ Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
EP 1044 - Great Friends Support Us
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Our closest friends support us. They cheer for us. They cry with us. They laugh with us (and at us). They are there for us.
I have a couple of ‘bestest’ friends. I don’t see them very often as we have moved far apart. But I know that I can count on them.
Research shows that our social connection to our friends gives us a sense of belonging, a feeling of security and increase our sense of self-worth. They help us to deal better with the stressors in life and live happier more successful lives.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Girlfriend’s Day:
Listen to your intuition – true friends give off a positive energy that make us feel good as opposed to drain us – Evaluate your friendships.
Make the time – though life can get away from us we should never let our friendships get away from us – friendships take energy and time to nurture and to keep fresh.
Learn to let go – our friends are no more perfect than we are. We need to ignore those imperfections and learn to celebrate their positive traits that brought us together as friends.
Today is a great day to share a special memory of those that you hold in your heart.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
EP 1043 – Social Wellness for Mental Health
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
What is Workplace Culture?
Workplace organizational culture is defined as the attitudes, values, and beliefs that shape the workplace environment. The culture or these “unwritten rules” can impact employee morale, productivity and health. It plays a key role in predicting workplace satisfaction and stress levels and provides the foundation for workplace health.
One of the most often neglected areas of workplace culture. is the social support that is given and received in our teams. It is seen as an ‘extra’, a social nicety, or something to focus on if you have time.
With more people living alone or separate from extended family and friends, it is critical that we are as diligent about our social well being as we are about our physical well being.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Social Wellness Month:
July is Social Wellness Month and it reminds us that we need to reach out to others and build stronger social ties with co-workers, family and friends.
Social connection provided by friends and colleagues may ward off depression, boost self-esteem, and provide support, along with fewer cardiovascular problems and immune problems, and lower levels of cortisol. People with strong social connections feel more relaxed and at peace, which is related to better health and a better bottom-line.
Workplace celebrations are an important part of social wellness and can range from monthly birthday parties to rewards for team accomplishments. It’s about making connections and knowing that you’re a part of something bigger than yourself.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Friday Jul 30, 2021
EP 1042 – Friendships Matter
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Life is to be fortified by many friendships. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence. Sydney Smith
I love my friends. They boost my energy. They make me laugh. They allow me to vent. They cheer me on.
Often, we can’t get together in person.
Social media has become a way for us to still stay connected. It is similar to the quilting bee of days gone by. The quilting bee was not about putting a quilt together. It was a way for the women of the community to get out from their homes and get connected. They shared, they vented, they cried, and they laughed.
Social media is just like the quilting bee for when we can’t connect in person. We post about our thoughts and our situations and our friends reply back with comments and support us.
Though others can comment on our writings, our pictures and our videos, there is nothing like the face-to-face gatherings of friends.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating International Day of Friendship:
We know from our research that people with friends are less likely to suffer physical and mental health problems than those who are socially isolated.
Friendships can last a lifetime or be specific to a time in our life – however long, they are valuable.
Remember your friends. Let them know that they matter. Connect when possible – but don’t leave it up to chance – or time may pass you both by.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
EP 1041 – Rainy Day
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
There is no rain in sight, which makes for a gorgeous summer day and some time enjoying nature just outside my door.
But what if it had been raining? Would this add stress to your life?
Do you plan for rain days when you are on vacation?
Rain days can force you to make different decisions on how you are going to spend your downtime.
When it comes to spending, do you have a rainy-day fund that you can tap into when times are not so prosperous?
This safety net protects you when an unexpected event - such as job loss or unexpected repairs to your home.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Rain Day:
People all over the world have celebrated rain and its life-giving power. All life is dependent on rain, and rain is what keeps our world green and beautiful. Today, celebrate all things wet and wonderful.
Managing your stress and building your resiliency means that you have a back up plan. Plan for a rainy day. This may mean knowing what alternate activities you can take advantage of, or packing an umbrella. Or it may mean putting money aside for an emergency or unexpected expense into a rainy-day fund.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
For more information on coping with mental health issues, sign up for one of my on-line courses at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
EP 1040 – All Natural Does Not Necessarily Mean Safe
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Don’t worry. It’s all natural.
Herbal medicine is expanding in popularity.
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, 70% of adults 60 years and older take at least one supplement daily, and 29% take four or more each day. Billions of dollars are spent annually on herbal products and billions more on vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements.
Herbal supplements have been credited with aiding everything from digestion to depression, but it’s important to understand that “all natural” doesn’t always translate to safe.
Herbal supplements are not regulated like other drugs or foods, so being aware and staying safe and healthy is vital.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Herbal Prescription Awareness Month:
Follow these Safety Tips:
- Always talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist first before taking an herbal medication or supplement to avoid negative impacts with certain foods or other medication.
- One common herbal medication is St. John’s Wort. St. John’s Wort can be effective on mild to moderate depression, however it can interact with a large number of medications, including antidepressants, allergy drugs, birth control, and warfarin.
- Ginkgo, most commonly taken to improve memory, has been shown to interact with aspirin, diuretics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and blood thinners.
- Finally, follow supplement instructions, in the same way that you would follow a prescription from your healthcare provider
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
EP 1039 – Plants Can Make You Feel Less Stressed
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Today is take your houseplants for a walk day.
Well, I’m not sure that I am going to take my plants for a walk, but I will try to be nicer to them.
Many of my plants have ‘taken a walk’ to the dump when they failed to survive my watering and care routine (or lack of).
After reading a report from NASA where they found that some houseplants were able to remove up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours, I decided I needed to give houseplants another try.
I found that some species of plants and I do very well, others, and others, I had to give up on.
According to a University of Agriculture Norway study, indoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, sore throats and other cold-related illnesses by more than 30 percent, partially by increasing humidity levels and decreasing dust.
Washington State University found that participants in the presence of plants were less stressed and reacted 12% more quickly than those in the absence of plants.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Take Your Houseplants For A Walk Day:
Give a houseplant a try, after all plants can reduce stress.
Look for varieties that are low maintenance.
However, if trying to have a green thumb is creating too much stress in your life, forgo the growing at home and go out and enjoy the gardens of someone else.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Monday Jul 26, 2021
EP 1038 – Leaders Make A Difference
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
What do you think… Kids will be what they see?
This seems to me to be one of those nature and nurture questions.
What I do believe is that all caring adults have the potential to positively impact the children and young adults around them.
As leaders in our organizations and in our communities, how we treat each other, and especially, how we treat our youth matters.
In a world filled so publicly with hate, prejudice, bullying and negativity, positive role models are desperately needed.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Make A Difference To Children Month:
None of us are perfect. Our goal should be to provide the best examples that we can. Here are three things that as leaders we can strive to do.
- We can inspire our youth to dream big and work hard to achieve those dreams
- To develop values based on gratitude and kindness
- And we can teach children to respect each other’s differences
One person can make all the difference in a child's life. This July, make sure that person is you!
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at worksmartlivesmart.com
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
EP 1037 – Parenting Is Hard
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
I like my parents today. But I don’t think that I did when I was growing up.
They were always telling me what to do. Always treated my brother better than me. They never let me do anything that I wanted to.
It’s funny, but I heard my own children say much of the same things.
My parents are there when I need them.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Parents Day:
Parenting is hard. It is not for the weak at heart.
Parenting is about the unconditional love that you give to your children, often with very few rewards given back at the time.
So, look through your family pictures and focus on the easy, fun and/or rewarding times, instead of the difficult times that you have had as a parent
Share a special memory with your child about your child. Let them know that you hold them dear to your heart
Share a special memory of your own childhood. Let your children know that you didn’t always value your parents, but you do now
Call your own parents and let them know that you appreciate them as parents
Parenting is hard. We need to support each other as parents and let each other know that perfection is not the key, but self-confident, happy adult children is the reward. Happy Parent’s Day!
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
EP 1036 – Drive Thrus: Quick and Convenient Or Unhealthy?
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Did you know that going through the drive thru naked is illegal?
In 2012, a naturist was found guilty of “partial nudity that offended public order” for incidents that occurred in 2008 and 2009 as he went through a drive thru.
Today is National Drive Thru Day and while it is not recommended to go through the drive thru naked, we know that many of us will go through at least one drive thru today.
Eating out is no longer a special event, but a practical alternative to eating at home when no one feels like shopping or cooking. Decisions about ‘what’s for dinner?’ reflect a solution to an equation that involves three variables: 1) what’s on hand in the fridge, cupboard or freezer, 2) the time available to cook and eat and 3) the urgency of hunger.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Drive Thru Day:
Drive thru foods are not all bad. It is possible to make some wise choices, but it can be difficult if you don’t consider the options before you are about to order.
Examine your life and do a rhythm check. Are you pushing and rushing most of the time? If so, consider altering your drive thru behaviour slightly to allow yourself the opportunity to slow down, take your time eating, socialize and enjoy the ‘whole’ meal experience.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In
Friday Jul 23, 2021
EP 1035 – Gorgeous Grandma
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
I am blessed to have had a grandma who was a huge influence on my life. She made me feel accepted, wanted, and truly loved. I loved how she could dress it up for a night out and she could get down and dirty in the garden. And she was gorgeous.
My sons were blessed. They had 3 great grandmas and 3 grandmas that got to share in their early years. I hope that they remember them as being gorgeous women and that beauty is not about what is on the outside but what is on the character of the soul.
Our worth is not about the job that we have, the goals that we achieve, or the beauty of our youth. Jobs change. Goals change. Looks change.
Our beauty is in the connections that we make with others.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Gorgeous Grandma Day:
Don’t Be Someone You’re Not. I see young girls who put on ‘airs’ and try to mould themselves into the popular image of beauty. If you have young girls and women in your life, help them to see that beauty is about so much more than that.
Tell the gorgeous women in your life what you see when you look at them. Don’t describe their physical beauty, but what you see that radiates from their heart or the positive impact that they have on those around them.
Having had a gorgeous grandma, I can only hope that I can make as much of a difference in someone’s life like her.
If you like today’s wellness tips, let me know. You can leave me a review on amazon or through your #alexa app.
Looking for more ways to build your resiliency? Take my free on-line resiliency test at worksmartlivesmart.com under the resources and courses tab.
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
EP 1034 – Put Some Sizzle To It
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
I remember that pretty much every Sunday during the summer was barbecue night. Growing up on a farm meant that we ate after the cows were milked. The vintage barbecue would be filled with charcoal, douched in lighter fluid and a match would be tossed in. Flames would burst out and rise into the air. The coals would burn for an hour or so while the chores were finished, and the coals would be glowing red for dad to barbecue our steaks. I loved the smell and the sizzle.
Barbecuing is one of the best parts of summer. It means get togethers, family fun and really good food.
Barbequing, it turns out, is good for your mental health - particularly when they take place in green spaces, with friends and family, comfort food, and music. There is a relationship between barbecuing, comfort food, and social connection and the positive impact on decreasing loneliness.
So Here are today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Grilling Month:
A grill is one of the best ways to cook summer dinners. However, food poisoning peaks in the summer months because not only does bacteria multiply faster in warmer temperatures, but preparing food outdoors makes safe food handling more challenging.
Follow food safety guidelines to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying and causing foodborne illness.
This summer slow down for a few moments and look for ways to make positive memories and build social connection by inviting friends and family over for a barbecue. Your mental health will be the better for it.
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